Community Status Updates

Ram Askaari
Been excercising my right to party, also have been excercising my right to remain silent when I get arrested.

Ram Askaari
Dec 14 2018 11:15 AM

CyberFear WarFear
Eve is just a game if you can not handle it then this game is not for you

Ram Askaari
Q. How many PL pilots Does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A. Depends on how long it takes for CCP to arrive
Dec 19 2018 04:53 AM

Ram Askaari
What kind of missile launchers do pirate use ?
Dec 19 2018 04:55 AM

Ni Cho
Good night mother, good night Jonboy, good night Hardcastle, good night McCormack, good night Chief, good night McCloud

Ram Askaari
Being cop HR Director is like being a babysitter that doesn't get paid and teaches curse words to 3 year olds

Ram Askaari
I refuse
Dec 19 2018 05:00 AM

Ram Askaari
I start by doing something fun, then people make it not fun with stupid requests